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    we need to be able to see previous Macro goals on previous months graphs. If you change a clients current macros it sets ALL previous data with previous marco's to the new numbers!!! This is hugely problematic and decreases due diligence on the coaching side of things.

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  2. Manually Add Steps

    Many of our clients wear pedometers. Can we please have an option to manually add steps?

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  3. Adapt "Smart Meal Plan" to "Daily Nutrition Goal"

    Currently, I want to set specific macro targets (with specific grams), and then assign a corresponding smart meal plan. However, if I assign a smart meal plan, the Nutrition Goal gets deleted/overridden. It would be awesome if both features could work together.

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  4. more simple meal plan structure

    Ability to create a custom meal plan instead of an auto generated meal planner with a ton of ingrediants/food items.

    Simple meal plan creation with ability to edit portion sizes etc

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  5. Bring the add custom food function away from the advanced nutrition paywall and into the app as a basic function

    The ability to add foods into a incomplete database shouldn't be locked behind a $50 paywall.

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  6. connect and sync to oura ring

    this will make it easy to pull sleep data and other important metrics like hrv to monitor recovery and then run graphs off NUMBERS. versus just checking off habits and seeing streaks (which is helpful, but not quantitiative)

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  7. I think a voice note feature along with a video note feature would be a great option for what we pay per month. Also

    I think a voice note feature along with a video note feature would be a great option for what we pay per month. Also, I think an area where we can import google docs or excel spreadsheets of our own to use as a skeleton for each client and they then have their own folder.

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  8. Longer videos

    Ability to host/upload longer videos within messages for check in video feedback

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  9. Group class time

    Ability to choose or edit group or pt timings.
    Instead of default 1hr, 30min

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  10. Automate Smart Meal Planner delivery

    Have clients enter in their information and for a smart meal plan to be delivered automatically.

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  11. Allowing more then one snack to be an option on the Smart meal planner

    It would be nice on the meal planner if I could add a snack when it is under 1400 calories instead of just 3 meals .

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  12. Update to "Groups" Messaging Software

    So, after using Trainerize for a little bit here I wanted to throw my idea into the wind for some changes to the messaging software in the "groups" tab.

    This will be a little long, so please bare with me.

    1️⃣ FIRST - Summary Tab
    ▪️ It would be great if we could add in a little description that can communicate whatever we need to our group of people (as seen in the photo link).
    ▪️ The "Time Line" Tab should really just be consolidated underneath and taken off the general chat feed to clean things up. People can interact…

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  13. Give basic client's acces to groups and massaging

    I want to give all my basic clients access to my community group in the app and make messaging possible...

    Ok, I'm training them 1on1 in real life but they need contact with others, and want to send me a message, now we use WhatsApp so I think it will be awesome to let the get used to it with Trainerize... And maybe this gives me a great opportunity to make a transition to go online with them after I thought them the basics in real life 1on1 trainings...

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  14. Have a 'Resource Section' available to all clients

    Having a section to upload PDF files, longer videos, educational content etc to all clients where they can scroll through to find useful resources from the coach would be very useful.

    Providing content & education is so valuable, this would provide a personal connection to all clients they can refer to. Not all clients have social media, this would ensure they still have access to content we have created for public education/ information.

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  15. Syncing garmin with calendar activities

    I have a few running clients that use Garmin and I love that it syncs now, but when a client has a run on their schedule it adds the completed run but doesn’t mark the calendar entry as complete.

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  16. Pickleball as an activity

    Several of my clients are asking that pickleball be added as an activity. it's becoming very popular

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  17. Allow decimal points across all areas of the app

    Allow clients/users to enter nutrition data that has decimals.

    13.8g protein etc.

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  18. Add 35% P / 5% C / 60% F macro split (high protein keto)

    Add a keto split where more calories come from protein

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  19. Left/right speech bubble format

    Left/right speech bubble format to maximize space in the chat window.

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  20. ability to repeat days for meal prep

    ability to repeat single days for meal prepping and include a shopping list based off of the number of days repeated

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