Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5143 results found
Single payments from Mindbody to automatically create an account with trainerize
Single payments from Mindbody to automatically create an account with trainerize and sync with a program. Currently it is just for reoccurring payments, so anyone that comes to us for a front end offer which is usually a one off payment we have to do this process manually
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Add a second habits reminder later in the day
Add a second habits reminder later in the day so that the client can see the first reminder to complete the habit in the morning, and then another follow up message in the evening to make sure they completed it.
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Delete clients comments from groups
ADMIN/TRAINERS be able to delete comments made by clients in groups. Example, client told not to promote their own products in group chat and did. Would like to have the option to delete that message so other clients do not see it. I know you can edit and delete your own, but admin should be able to control all.
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Custom measurements
The ability to add custom measurement sites like big toe (joking) but sites that relate to proportion like wrist, ankle, head, forearm length, humerus length, wing span, thigh length, tibia length etc etc. Doesn’t have to be shown on the diagram like the other measurements but just a “custom measurements” box that the trainer can select then write in what measurement they want.
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Redo your Kettlebell videos
I've noticed that some of the kettlebell exercises (Kettlebell cleans in particular) in your video library are being improperly performed. Sometimes in a manner that if replicated by a client could cause injury. I know that I can make my own videos and do not need to use the ones provided. However, when providing exercise demonstrations as part of the service said exercises should be demonstrated properly. I feel that Trainerize has an obligation to provide correct exercise demonstrations and by not doing so it hurts your credibility as a "Fitness Platform".
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AM or PM training schedule
Example....Some of my clients do Running in the AM then I’d like them to do their Rehab Ex program in the PM or Swim in The PM post Run as an Active Recovery session
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We need to have an option for clients to print workouts that includes the REP SCHEMES DESIGNATED. The ability to print right now only gives the exercise then the number of sets, but no instructions from the reps or rest columns. They should be able to print something that has everything they need to do their workout (aside from videos obviously) because not everyone likes carrying their phone with them everywhere in the gym.
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Cast Apple Watch HR zones to TV for small group/team training
Ability to cast multiple clients' HR zones on a TV screen from Apple Watch. Something like MyZone but for the Apple Watch.
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Please make gender, weight and height optional
I work with primarily *****, trans and gender non-binary clients who are not focusing on weight, numbers, and measurements but instead about what makes them feel good and using movement as a tool to help their mental health, build empowerment and cultivate healing. I understand why gender, weight and height options are important to many trainers and clients but I'd like to have those options customizable so I am not forced to make my clients answer questions that are not helpful to them or could cause harm.
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Tile data (sleep/steps/RHR/etc) added into weekly calendar view
I think it'd be great if we could add the tiles that sync from Apple Health (or others) into weekly calendar view when we as coaches are working on PC?
For instance, when reviewing my client's week (I do 100% nutrition coaching), I can see their weight and calories consumed, plus if they checked any habits that I set for them, it'd also be immensely helpful to see their Step and Sleep data in this view rather than just within the tiles in their Dash.10 votes -
Alphabetize your exercise library
It would be useful if the Exercise database were broken up in alphabetical order. If I wanted to find any exercises that started with the letter A I could just click on the "A" tab, and so forth. Right now I'm in the middle of going through our exercise database and whenever I leave the project for awhile and come back, I have to start at the beginning. I have to scroll down, wait for the videos to load, scroll down further, wait for videos, etc., until I get to whatever letter I was on. Not a major issue, but…
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Show All Clients
Having the ability to SHOW ALL clients on one list then select, filter, tag, and manage large groups of clients would make the software even more useable for companies/trainers with large lists of clients.
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workout notes
While a client is "doing" a workout within the app - it would be great if there was an option to add a note while still IN the workout. The feature would be available in close proximity (maybe a plus sign that expended to a text box) to where the client would post their reps or weights.
Condition = client was assigned to perform strict pull-ups. Half-way through the exercise, the client had to modify with a band.
The ability to add a note when reporting would allow the client to say they did "X strict repetitions" and "Y modified…
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We are all stuck inside without a gym, most of our clients only have limited equipment. I have looked through every exercise and you guys do not have some very basic exercises that can be done with a band. Lat Pull down tricep push down, the list goes on. We're going to be stuck in this horrible situation for a while until a vaccine is created. You guys have to adapt to at home exercises. I realize that i can just put notes in for the client but so many need a visual, like a said you must adapt like…
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Casting interval workout via airplay to Apple TV
When doing an interval workout, allow the client to cast the workout to the Apple TV to follow along
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Volume tracking
Can you add volume load tracking for strength training into the App? This would be phenomenal for advanced lifters who need detailed tracking methods.
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Add BMR TDEE macro calculator to the mobile app
This is available on the web. Wish it was available on the mobile too.
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Readiness to train section before each workout
Having the ability to rate sleep, stress, energy & doms before each training session would be great.
Train heroic has a similar option on their platform.
Gives us as trainers a good idea of how well clients are recovering. As well as setting a game plan for a client who maybe had 4 hours sleep and is super stressed at work. Maybe they work at 50% that day or not at all.
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Duplicate an Exercise while building a workout
It would improve efficiency to allow an exercise to be duplicated while building a workout.
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In circuit training programs, have the option for an exercise to be time based and a button to start the timer.
In circuit training programs, have the option for an exercise to be timed based and a button to start the timer so people don't have to look at their watches or set a different timer. Just like how there is a timer for the rest periods, the same should exist for timed exercises.
10 votes
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