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Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize

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The higher the votes, the more likely the idea will be completed but there is no fixed formula if an idea will be picked up as it is just one avenue we look at. The idea forum is only one of the many avenues we use to evaluate an idea's feasibility. We also factor in your conversations with our support team, in-app surveys, Facebook beta groups,  complexity of the idea, talks with our inner circle of users and how it fits with the overall vision of the platform.

For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Convertidor de OLM a PST de Mac

    Apprenez à convertir un fichier OLM en fichier PST à l'aide du logiciel de conversion Vartika OLM en PST. il vous permettra de transférer tous les fichiers OLM, y compris les e-mails, les contacts et les calendriers, d'Outlook pour Mac OLM vers PST.
    Fonctionnalités utiles gratuites de Vartika OLM vers PST
    • Migration de Mac OLM vers PST pour Mac et Windows
    • Convertir les e-mails OLM, les contacts, le calendrier, les tâches, les notes, etc.
    • Transférez les fichiers sélectionnés vers la version démo gratuite.
    • La taille du fichier n'est pas un problème.

    KNow more info-

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  2. Show the next 24 hours of scheduled messages

    If there was a way to see the next 24 hours of scheduled messages it would make it easier to edit them as needed.

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  3. 2 votes

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  4. Improved data reporting capabilities

    Ability to export and manipulate detailed reports of clients. For example, client details including compliance rates, days until end of program, product they've purchased, payment schedule, start date etc etc

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  5. Add assistant coach to existing chat

    I would love to see the ability to add an assistant coach to an existing chat between the head coach and the athlete. I don't want to assign athletes to another coach and lose the relationship completely, but add them into my chat so they continue to get automated messages from me and the assistant coach has full access to it as well.

    A group also isn't a good option for what I'd like as it would take away from the automated messages already programmed.

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  6. Can we get some different response emojis?

    The tongue one is confusing. I can’t tell if it’s laughing or grossed out lol. It would be nice to have a laughing one or even a sad one instead of thumbs down.

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  7. More than 5 Workouts in Training Phases

    Show more than 5 workouts on the page in the Training Phases in a Program. Currently, building a Program from scratch, the 6th workout goes to "page 2" with no way of changing that. Yet several of the pre-built programs have more than 5 workouts on 1 page in the Training Phase.

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  8. 7 votes

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  9. An undo button Incase you delete workouts or exercises in a workout!!

    An undo button Incase you delete workouts or exercises in a workout!!

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  10. allowing clients access to chat one on one with each other

    I have a group that workouts together and i have actual group programming. They can communicate in the chat on the app but they were asking me if there was a way for them to communicate one on one. There are times when we are meeting up for fun events and or if they want to talk offline about certain things. I think it would be a cool added feature.

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  11. Hide/show link preview

    I would like an option when using a link in messages or groups to have the option to hide the link preview or change how big the link preview is.

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  12. Ability to bulk add tags to clients left in active messages

    I send checkin Messages every week to all my clients. Once they have replied I then achive the message. Anyone left in the inbox I want to bulk follow up with, Would be good to select all then either message them or add a tag from the message centre.

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  13. 6 votes

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  14. Add "Loaded Carry" as an exercise type

    I would like to see LOADED CARRY added as an exercise type option.

    Exercises that fall into this category are; Farmer carries, suitcase carry, ruck hike, etc.

    The objective here is to transport a load over a distance. Measures to t record that would indicate progress would be;
    1) the load carries
    2) the distance transported
    3) the time to cover the instance (or time under tension/load)

    So, when recording progress for his type of move we need to be able to record and track progress on;
    A) Distance covered
    B) Time under tension
    C) Load

    At this time I…

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  15. Improve the programme editing/progressive overload system

    Say I have completed a client's workout programme, increased the time & reps over the weeks.

    Then if I go back & add an exercise in it doesn't actually get added in to the programme therefore I have to re-schedule all the workouts & re-do progressive overload.

    This is super time consuming & would be much better if it more easily integrated programme edits.

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  16. Add Habits as an option from the ADD NEW tab

    On the Calendar, enable the ability to add a Habit by either adding it to the drop down menu at the top ADD NEW, or when you click on a day in the calendar.

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  17. add workouts to calendar from library

    Why was this feature removed? Adding workouts from libraries directly to the calendar makes it easier and quicker to schedule. Please bring this feature back!

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  18. Multiple concurrent appointments for semi-private personal training

    3 individual appts in the same time window. It is not a "group" or a "class" so we dont book them that way. It is actually 3 independent individual appts at the same time.

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  19. calendar



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  20. Ability to track wellbeing/Mental Health/Mood

    It would be nice if there was some way of tracking a clients mood on a daily basis as exercise massively assists people mental health and state of mind it would be good for clients to be able to view their progress, not just physically but mentally too!!

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