Adding an auto percentage max rep calculator based on 1RM
I have a suggestion that could potentially help out a Lot of you.
Adding a PR tracker/calculator to the app. If the client hits a 3RM of
squat for 205, then that could be added to the clients personal record
tracker. The calculator part would take the 3RM, and see what percentage
that is of the 1RM, and state the estimated 1RM. so lets say the clients
1RM is calculated as 220, then when the trainer says to do 8 reps to fail
on 8th rep, the client can see that they should be doing around 175lbs.
Another benefit of this would be if the trainer says to do 3 sets of 1 at
92.5% of the max, but the client has only done a 5RM, the calculator can
find the 1RM so that the trainer can help the client see where they need to
be. Hopefully it makes sense but I think it'll really help People push themselves harder then just grabbing
any weight that they can do just to get it done.

Strong Reps commented
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Tawaun Lucas commented
This def needs to happen! I always prescribe based off of estimated 1rm. It would be great to have this feature to make it easier to add weight
Carlos Laboy commented
Yes Please! It would be best if we could create tiles on the dashboard for the lifts we want to highlight or be able to create custom tiles in general.
Trainerize would be much better if we also had the option to create our own calculator using conditional logic. I don't use the Jackson & Pollock equation for BF%. I use ISAK's method, which has multiple equation options, depending on the circumstances.
Valerie Rider commented
Is this happening??? Seriously would be so helpful.
Bozhidar Batev commented
I use %-based loading a lot and (from where I stand) the best way to apply it on TZ is to be able to mark a set as a "test set" that gauges the progress and reflects on the eRM's table for the exercise. I don't need e1RM to be re-calculated every time a customer is doing an exercise but at the end of the block.
Another even simpler solution is to be able to create manually a personalized %-based RM table for an exercise. Ask the client to do a sub max single and send a video. Calculate e1RM based on video and rpe and ask to perform additional tests for reps @ 85%, 80%, 75% and 70% (+ report RPE, videos are extremely helpful too). Those 4 would be enough to populate the whole individual %-based table from 60% RM up to 100% RM (based on scientific averages and how the client perform and lower and higher intensities)
Harley Curry commented
So much of my programming is around % for lifts as I am sure most of you are as well. Being able to jump into an exercise and have a 1RM estimation come up straight away would be amazing and help clients and myself track their progress.
Kristin Petrony commented
Please oh please oh please add this feature. It would save me HOURS per month. About 1/3 of my clients are powerlifters and I have considered switching them to Train Heroic solely for this purpose. PLEASE!
Ryan Hinman commented
Maybe even have a tab across the top of the exercise demonstration showing estimated or logged 1RM, 3RM, 5RM & 10RM
Wayne Ayerscreech commented
I utilize primarily RPE for top sets in my coaching. And would love to have an e1rm calculator for my athletes to be able to see their daily 1RM to determine the weight for back off volume work. For example
I could schedule a 1@RPE 8. This would indicate for the athlete to perform a single rep with a weight that subjectively fees like an RPE 8. This value would populate a daily e1rm for the movement. For back off work I would do 73% of e1rm for (insert rep range). If anything at least have the 1RM calculations have the option to utilize RPE as a calculation method. RPE calculator .com might be a good integration?
Team AF commented
a simple Rep max calculator so you can prescibe a % or a load based on pesonalised % of a rep max ie 5rm - 3 rm etc
Team AF commented
a simple Rep max calculator so you can prescribe a % or a load based on personalised % of a rep max ie 5rm - 3 rm etc
Liam Diviney commented
This would be very practical for delivering an entirely online service and eliminating guesswork for the client whilst ensuring progression on the given exercise.
For example, if you wanted the online client to perform
3 sets of 10 @ 70 % of their last 1rm, you could program this in the progression spreadsheet as 3 x 10 @ 70% as opposed to now manually having to calculate the weight-based of a 1 rm that will most likely increase throughout the training block. -
Geoff Miller commented
Being able to give weights as a percentage of 1RM in programmes. To be able to type in a percentage of 1RM and it to bring up the weight that is would be a huge timesaver for both trainer and client. When designing strength programmes they are usually done by percentages. At the moment i am having to leave notes in the description for what percentage they are using and what weight that equals and am having to navigate to different websites and spreadsheets to figure it out.
Geoff Miller commented
Have a 1RM calculator integral to the app. Clients and trainers can put the weight used and the reps done in to the calculator and it will work out their 1RM. Save having to go to different website to figure it out
Coach commented
Looking for more fields to input and edit client information. ie cells with rudimentary mathematical functions. Akin to spreadsheet programs.
Have separate columns for weight, sets, reps, tempo, time, and notes.Example: Give me fields for 1RM's for each client, and then give me a field for % of 1RM when programming
Kim Layton commented
This would be a huge help
Ross McCoy commented
A calculator that determines how many reps at a weight you would need to increase your estimated 1rm - getting stronger.
I use this via a 1rm calculator through Google however being able to use it via the app by simply adding the feature where your previous workout is shadowed would be far better and user friendly for all clients not to mention for the online PT.
Anyone that has used Recomposer or JeFit knows how this works and how beneficial it is.
Jade commented
Currently debating between Trainerize and another platform because of this. If we can get this it would be awesome.
Rob Boxall commented
Being able to see your calculated 1RM as soon as you fill out your reps and weight during the workout allows you or your client to make better decisions in terms of how much heavier to go when selecting weight for the next set.
For example, if a client knows their 1RM is 300lbs but on their 3rd set they see that the weight they chose calculated out to an estimated 1RM of 280, then they know they need to increase their intensity to keep up to what their potential is. Furthermore, they can then begin to select weight levels that show an estimated 1RM that is above their historical actual 1RM, which means they are making progress and working at a high enough intensity to make significant gains.
George Fallaw commented
This is HUGE!!! Clients do not push themselves and manually periodising plans takes a millennium. They should be able to see what reps they need to get to have their projected 1 rep max increase, exactly like the recomposer software. This will mean clients training at an adequate intensity (even with isolation exercises, that you wouldn’t do a 1RM for, but it would be helpful to see what that projected Max is live based on their efforts.
Currently as it stands now you have to fully save the workout and then start the workout again to see what each individual set meant for the estimate 1 rep max of that exercise.