Coach / Trainer - ABC Trainerize
5322 results found
Attach a group to a challenge
Attach a group to a challenge
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Loseit App please integrate it!!
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Resources Vault
I would LOVE a resource vault that clients can easily access at any time without having a limit on what size file I can upload. I currently have a membership site that clients can access but I hate that they have to use multiple apps for coaching. I am actually debating to moving the Kahunas coaching app because they have the capability for a resources vault AND check in forms so now my clients would be able to access EVERYTHING all in one app!
15 votes -
Small changes to the cardio section would have a huge impact on the app making it unbeatable.
More and more I’m being asked to program both gym and specific running and Triathlon training especially for those interested in hybrid training. It’s a shame to have to go to another app to program their cardio sessions. There is soo much potential for this app to become the first real place to accommodate both strength and conditioning and endurance based training.
Designing specific running speed intervals at the moment is quite difficult. It would be great to be able to expand the cardio with a little more detail
for example entering specific data to in the client profile account…
1 vote -
schedule messages
Be able to schedule messages from the messages, and not need to fully open the clients profile/calendar
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Integration with Biocanic
Biocanic integrates with lab tests and most bio tracking devices (ie. garmin, oura,etc.)
It’s just a matter of time before someone else does it. Why not Trainerize?2 votes -
Macros First
Integrate and sync with Macros First. It's much easier to use than My Fitness Pal and boosts compliance.
8 votes -
Message "Office Hours"
I would like the ability to schedule "office hours" different from the current vacation message ability.
When being messaged before or after my "in-office hours" I would like the ability to schedule a message stating that these are outside of my office hours and that their message will be answered when I return.
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I need to be able to assign more accurate calories and macro split for my clients. for example: 1630 calories, 36%carbs, 28%fat, 36%protein
I understand that the meals suggested might only be tailored toward 1600, 1700, 1800 calories but i need to be able to assign more precise macros and calories and then the client can use the meals as suggestions.
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1 vote
Chat GPT Svenska Gratis: En Resurs för Sporttränare
Sporttränare står inför många utmaningar, från att planera träningspass och analysera prestationer till att motivera sina idrottare och hantera kommunikation med föräldrar och teammedlemmar. Chat GPT Svenska Gratis är ett kraftfullt verktyg som kan hjälpa sporttränare att övervinna dessa utmaningar genom att erbjuda en rad användbara funktioner och resurser. Här är hur Chat GPT Svenska Gratis kan vara en ovärderlig resurs för sporttränare.
Dessutom kan du använda Chat GPT Svenska Gratis online här:
Planering av Träningspass med Chat GPT Svenska Gratis
En av de mest tidskrävande uppgifterna för sporttränare är att planera effektiva träningspass. Chat GPT Svenska Gratis kan…1 vote -
Switching between apps doesn't erase entries.
In the middle of my workout (tracking reps) when I switch to another app, then back to Trainerize, all of my entries are erased.
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Ability to personalize macros/calories WHILE viewing meal ideas in the discover app
Cannot personalize macros and use the meal planning app at the same time. My clients LOVE to view the meal ideas BUT I can't integrate it when I am adding customized macros/calories in their portal. I hope you guys are able to allow BOTH in the future.
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Ability to personalize macros/calories WHILE clients are able to view meal ideas
Would be great for my clients to have CUSTOMIZED macros/calories AND be able to view meal recipe ideas in the discover tab. I (and my clients) was excited about this new meal planner feature but unfortunately I can't integrate it with my customized macros I have assigned to them.
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Real time conversion to kg or lbs
Some equipment in my gym is lbs and some is kg. I usually have to either covert witj google or just track my kg entries as lbs. maybe a press and hold to change the lbs to kg for that set? Sometimes I have to use a different machine than the previous workout that has kg instead of lbs or vice versa and it would be nice to have the app manage the conversion
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Text message reminders for in-person and virtual appointments
I want to use the calendar portion of the system, but I can't because I need to be able to have text message and email reminders for in-person and virtual consultations. I currently use another app that links to my Google calendar, but I pay a separate fee and would love to do it through Trainerize.
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The ability to move supersets/circuits from one workout into another
The ability to save a superset or a specific block in a workout and transfer it to another workout/day. This is DIFFERENT from saving the entire workout. Imagine being able to create a specific warm up or a strength segment and being able to plug and play those into new days with different accessory work or conditioning. I need this often and it would save me SO much time.
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Create custom tags for custom meals
Adding custom meal tags for custom meals/recipes would be great.
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Allow each food item to appear when adding meals from advanced meal plans
When adding a meal from the meals library in the advanced meal tracking option, instead of adding the meal as 1 serving and the cals and macros get logged, I want each food item to be appear so client can change the serving of the individual item or swap out an item they don’t want in that specific meal.
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Macro Colour change to help with eating disorders
A few clients who have had eating disorders suggest that when logging food the goal colours changing from green, to yellow to red could be triggering. If the final colour could be green this might help
1 vote
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