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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Give the option for no rest time after the last set of an exercise.

    If I give a client bench press for 3 sets and I want them resting 90 seconds between each set then I would select this on the rest time tab, however, that 90 second rest also applies after the 3rd set. What if I want them resting 3 minutes before their next exercise instead of 90 seconds? I have to select rest from the menu and select 3 minutes, but that pesky "90 second rest" is still there after their 3rd set of bench. It is a confusing feature.

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  2. Copy/Paste Function for Entering Workout Data

    Allow for copy/paste function when client is entering their workout details, instead of client having to enter rep/weight into each set (example: “copy to next line” function)

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  3. Ability to see plays and analytics for videos

    Important for me to see which videos are the most popular.

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  4. ability to undo archiving a message

    I accidentally archived a message, but it's hard to find the thread again. Wish there was a way to quickly undo what I did.

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  5. Warm up weight calculator

    A calculator clients can use to figure out what weight they should be using for warm up sets.

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  6. To be able to reflect on everything a client has done over 7 days

    To get a 7 day report on their habits/nutrition averages/training outputs /bodyweight readings as a report (or even just to be able to do it)

    This will help give weekly feedback in videos / calls for example

    Similar to what you can see monthly but to be able to do it weekly would be very powerful

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  7. Ability to edit customized workout videos within the app

    It is great to be able to record exercise demo videos within the app, but it would be even better to be able to edit the videos inside the app. It would save so much time. Recording on my phone, editing, then uploading each video takes so much time.

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  8. Changing the Time of the Habit Notification

    One of my clients requested that he be notified at a later time for the habit and when I looked into it further, I found this isn't an option.

    Changing the time would help to keep clients more accountable.

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  9. Individual Notes/modifications

    I would like to add notes/ modifications beside individual exercises as I'm personal training.

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  10. Reverse Pyramid training

    Currently I have to enter each set as a separate custom exercise if I want to program reverse Pyramid training.

    In fact, Pyramid training of any kind is not really supported

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  11. Ability for clients to "tick box" wavier in the purchase stage.

    If clients can "tick box" or "agree" to a wavier, T&C for programs in the purchasing stages this would simplify the process and that we don't have to chase clients for them. It could also mean that dont get access to a program until they have done this / signed the wavier etc. This would reduce our risk of a client automatically starting a program if a waiver has not be signed.

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  12. edit auto messages without having to copy and paste and delete

    Currently, to edit an auto message you need to copy the current one, delete it, paste, then edit. It would be great to edit directly.

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  13. 5 votes

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  14. Sync goals with Exercise Log Tracking

    Add the ability to create a custom goal for a client and "link" it to a specific exercise in their plan. For example, if you set a strength goal of "185lb squat", the progress bar would update each week as they log their sets.

    It's difficult and time consuming to have to go in and manually calculate how much progress they're making in percentages and update the progress bar, for every single client.

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  15. Accept cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

    Maybe this is too ambitious, but...Adding cryptocurrency as an option to pay for workout programs would set Trainerize apart from competitors. It would help demonstrate a commitment to innovation and staying current with changing technology and could also attract more high-paying clients. This can be incorporated in a few ways such as connecting to an exchange called Coinbase Commerce.

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  16. Scheduling workouts throughout the day

    It would be really helpful if there was a way to sort different workouts that happen on the same day. For example, I have my warm ups, cool downs, and workouts separate from one another in the app and I would like to be able sort them in the order of how I would like my clients to perform them.

    Suggestion: a drag and drop option to sort the order of workouts and events in the day!

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  17. Allow clients to record the amount of weight they used for an exercise

    I don't know if this is a feature already, but I cannot find it. When a client completes a workout with dbs, kbs, bb, or resistance bands, they should have the ability to record how much weight they used for the exercise. I am designing programs and don't see where I can add that field.

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  18. view past exercise history during interval workouts

    be able to view past exercise history just like regular workouts where you can see how much weight, reps, time you did the last time you did that exercise.

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  19. Ability to purchase a Mindbody contract within the Trainerize app

    When a new client downloads the app, allow the client to be able to purchase a contract directly within the Trainerize app.

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  20. Automatically 'check off' step habit using data from clients health app

    Currently a client can complete a step goal, but has to manually 'check off' the habit

    It would be awesome if you could create a step goal for a client, that automatically registers when they hit the target, rather than having to manually tick that they hit the goal.

    the data is already being pulled in, hopefully its a straightforward addition!

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