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For example, "Portuguese support" was for the longest time in our top 3. But embarking on that would significantly dent our ability to serve our primary English speaking community effectively.

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5322 results found

  1. Allow calories to be less than 1400.

    I have older clients who need to be at 1200 calories, and i need them to be able to track within the app and meet their goal

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  2. Up the game on the MEAL PLANNER!

    You guys need to have more vegan dishes + fiilters and options for the planner like change the macro % split, add like unprocess/process food options, EXCLUDE foods for people allergic like for example Broccoli, or a specific food, etc. Basically upping the game.

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  3. Have calories per item available in the smart meal plan or grocery list

    This will help clients adhere to their meal plans/caloric goals as accurately as possible

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  4. Exercise progress included on mobile app and improved for users

    Exercise progress should be included in the mobile app.

    On both platforms individual exercises included in clients programs should have the option to click on the exercise and redirect the user to a separate page with their progress.

    This page should include an interactive graph clearly showing the clients progress over multiple time frames (past 3 months, 6 months and year view)

    Also included should be a record of past sessions, sets, reps and weight used.

    Lastly a final section for personal records and projections for the exercise should be included at the bottom of this page.
    This section should…

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  5. search function

    Other food logging apps are great at remembering recent foods and previously logged foods even when using the search bar. It would be nice to search something I ate weeks ago and have it come up rather than having to scan it all over again.

    ALSO the ability to turn off the photo option so clients dont have to press "skip photo'" every time they log something

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  6. nutrition breakdown for each food

    I like that we can see the breakdown of all the calories, macros and nutrients for the entire day, however, it would be nice to see the breakdown for EACH food.
    Example: for a client who is struggling with fiber OR going way above fiber; being able to see each food's macro/nutrient breakdown. Or a minimum, seeing the calorie, protein, carb, fat, sugar and fiber breakdown for each food item.

    it would also be nice to see a vitamin & mineral daily recommendation.
    it's nice that it's listed out but it would also be nice to see what the recommended…

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  7. average calories protein

    Automatically calculate average proteins and calories for the week from whatever they enter in MyFitnessPal. PLEASE this would make life SO MUCH EASIER

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  8. upload photos

    I get so much feedback that the app is incredible EXCEPT for the photos part. we get members to upload photos of their measurements (chest, waist, hips) and scales as proof. But theres no place to do this also they can only upload 3 photos per day as well which we ask them to space them out throughtout the week (not ideal)

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  9. Meal Planner in French

    translating everything in French would be game changing!

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  10. session availability

    I would like to be able to see both available and unavailable times on my calendar. So when I'm booking client myself I can see the whole picture.

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  11. Other languages

    We desperately need multi languages.... I have to use another app now because there is no other option but english.

    Please please add all languages

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  12. Custom calories and macronutrients when creating meal plans

    Add a feature where trainers can add custom calories and macronutrients when creating client meal plans.

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  13. progression spreadsheet

    Is it me, when I use the progression spreadsheet and use the customize feature, it does not update on the clients in on the app or online. I can see where I made changes but it does not update at all on their end. Is there something I am doing wrong?

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  14. It would be great to have the meal planner come with a grocery list

    The amount of ingredients in the meals can be overwhelming. But it'd be helpful to have all of them be input into a grocery list that can be integrated with Instacart or Amazon Fresh. Other services like Eatthismuch do this

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  15. App for Spanish speakers

    Hello! My name is Seric. I am a personal trainer and natural bodybuilding champion. I have been using the app for some time to take my online consulting to the next level. It's excellent!

    I have students in different parts of the world. Especially in Argentina, Venezuela and Colombia.

    It is possible that the application can work in Spanish for people who do not yet know how to speak English. It can be a very important advance for the entire community. What do you think? ;D

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  16. nutricheck

    The ability for clients to sync Nutricheck to Trainerize would be good.

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  17. Calorie & Protein goal only for advanced nutrition meal planning

    Ability to set Calorie & Protein goal only for Advanced Nutrition.

    Majority of my clients will not have calorie and protein goals so would be great if I can generate meal plans with just those 2 goals instead of full macros. Some clients find that overwhelming and can be limiting for gen pop.

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  18. Per Meal Fiber totals.

    There is a total fiber, but having each meal have individual fiber totals would be super beneficial.
    Most nutrition apps have this service now.
    Let's keep up with them :-)

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  19. In-Person training session check-ins to keep track of completed sessions

    There should be a way for clients to check in when they arrive for an in person session and it should keep track of all in person sessions completed.

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  20. Mark exercises "complete"

    Right now, there is no way to check off or mark an exercise complete during a workout. This would be helpful to keep track of where you are at during a workout.

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